
Media whore soup
Just make a mix
Snip and tape
And shove in the trix
Soup can be useful
Stir in the pot
Smile for the candy
Watch your teeth rot
Milking for Mary
Stirred into the door
Badger eyed dandy
barn swallowed I’m sure

The blob

bubbly soup
on our stoop
Waited late
Smells like
steady handed
Now a goop
fall too
Neighbours waft
from barbecue
Inlaws wonder
what to do
Continue to
Yes It’s true
it’s in
Our pot
from you
Now it’s
frozen to
a glue
And no
I don’t know
What to do
And it’s
smelling awful too
Ridding soaked in
foul goop
the grossest
Thing I’ve yet
to do